
The Most Effective Tips to Overcome Anorexia Nervosa

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Anorexia Nervosa is always found around us in which someone with less appetite in having meal. This is big problem for everyone, let alone for children who are in growing up age. But, nowadays, this case not only suffers children but also adults who have mindset to lessen their weight with no meal or meal with less than normal of meal menu they used to consume. Tips The three most effective tips are begun from family and also from whom are close to sufferer to apply healthy life in order to get avoid from anorexia nervosa. The family can keep on watch the routine of eating of children of the sufferer anorexia nervosa, persuading them to eat from the little number and gradually add the amount of food more and more, showing love by implementing healthy eating habits together at home, and never try to force them to raise up the amount food if they refuse because it can ruin their mood in eating and the treatment will be failed. So, it need patience and persistence to get them accustomed to love eating healthy and apply routine eating. The second one is building perception of ideal body. This will help to heal the anorexia nervosa. Never bomb up the ideal body with slim, ideal weight and whatever, but building perception the ideal body is healthy body, no problem fat, thin, slim, or with a high weight, the most important is healthy. If this successfully inserted into their mind, this will make their fear on weight and fat deleted and re-raise their appetite to eat proportionally and normally without any dangerous diet so far or other bad perception about weight. The third one to heal anorexia nervosa is get closer to the sufferer and building healthy habits and healthy behavioral by eat on time, with proportional portion and invite them in friendly talk about the benefits eat with proportional portion and the benefit to avoid the unhealthy diet with less portion of eating.