
Best Alternative to Overcome Muscular Dystrophy


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Muscular Dystrophy simply is a disease that attacks muscle of human being. Regularly it assails the muscles in calf and thigh, then make the sufferer weak and can’t stand or walk on foot. This is very progressive and very dangerous in ruining One’s muscles. More dangerously, it is sort of genetic disease that is inherited from one generation to next generation that is caused by the lack of protein. This muscular dystrophy doesn’t only attack the sufferer on muscle progressively, but also continue attacking the fiber of muscles, ruins the muscles web until make the sufferer overweight. Then leg of the sufferer will be getting weak, there is no muscles’ coordination and get the sufferer crippling and even can’t stand anymore. How to heal it? Some best alternative actually provided to overcome this muscular dystrophy. Best Alternative There are some best alternative to overcome the muscular dystrophy. First, must apply the style of healthy life. It could be working proportionally with determined time as allocated, not over or pressure, take rest in the resting time, taking a fresh when it is for holiday time. Between work and rest must be balance. The second is control your emotion and stress. Relax and take a rest with enough to refresh your body, mind, and emotion. The third is balance in eating and drinking. Eat and drink on time, not over and not be redundant. Just eat and drink the good food with enough supply of vitamin, nutrition and water. The last keep practicing sport, even for simplest sport like sport on the spot in the working place that could be done by move all body, run in site, warming up until all muscles moved and absolutely this will lead your body fresh and help to not be affected by muscular dystrophy.